Author Archives: Mindy Padrick

We are currently getting our Big Gator Shootout flyer ready …

We are currently getting our Big Gator Shootout flyer ready to mail out. For any [...]

Where have all the Shuttle engineers gone?

To new jobs, some odder than others. By Jeremy Davis Air & Space magazine, June [...]

Autumn from NY on a Daughter/Father hunt. She harvested thi…

Autumn from NY on a Daughter/Father hunt. She harvested this 406 lb 11-4 and her [...]

Gator hunting applications booming, thanks to reality TV.

Florida officials say reality TV is making everyone feel like they’re ready to go gator-hunting, [...]


Our two 16 year old clients from Ohi harvested some Monster …

Our two 16 year old clients from Ohi harvested some Monster Alligators on Friday. Sabrina [...]

Long Busy Easter Weekend with a family from Washington. Had…

Long Busy Easter Weekend with a family from Washington. Had a great time and we [...]

Brian from Washington with this Gangster. 12-1/2″ beard and …

Brian from Washington with this Gangster. 12-1/2″ beard and 1-5/8″ spurs. Source

Just another day at the office.

Just another day at the office. Source

John from Michigan harvested this fine Osceola with a 12-1/4…

John from Michigan harvested this fine Osceola with a 12-1/4″ beard and 1-1/2″ spurs this [...]